Aug 27, 2018 | Financial Literacy
When you’re in the desirable situation of having a extra money in your monthly budget, what do you do with those additional funds? Save it? Use it to pay down student debt? Invest it? It’s not always an obvious decision. If you save it, then your money...
Apr 10, 2017 | Financial Literacy
Does your college affect your income? Continuing our Financial Literacy series for the month of April, we’ve decided to look into the return on investment for college degrees. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) tracks the number of bachelor’s...
Aug 3, 2015 | College Planning, News
Gail Buckner, Your Money Matters columnist and financial reporter, is no stranger to reports on sky-rocketing college tuition or the availability of federal student aid. But literally in the middle of her Fox Business story on Friday, it’s as if she shouts out in a...