LinQ - Grow Your Enrollment

Enrollment Services

Lower Your Cost per Acquisition

LinQ by IonTuition offers institutions of higher education
a solution to lower their marketing costs through software
and services proven to increase admissions productivity.

Get Started

Grow Enrollments with Technology & Compliance

Get Started

Improve Admissions Productivity by 600%

  • Over 9x as many calls per hour
  • 48 second speed-to-lead
  • up to 40% warm transfer rate

LinQ Guarantees a 3-Minute Response

Industry-standard response time is 5 minutes.*  LinQ beats it by 67 percent.

*According to XANT Research

Build an Efficient Enrollment Strategy

With LinQ, you’ll learn…

  • which marketing channels generate the most leads
  • which admissions agents deliver the best results
  • what times are the most efficient to convert leads

Make every marketing dollar count with LinQ!

LinQ is the only enrollment management platform with a built-in compliance engine.

  • Increase Enrollments
  • Achieve Regulatory Compliance
  • Increase Admissions Productivity
  • Reduce Acquisition Costs
International student recruited through LinQ enrollment management

Consulting on International College Enrollment Management

Support on issues related to the recruitment and enrollment of international students

Re-engage Olds Leads and Reignite Your Enrollment:

Implement LinQ software for your admissions team or let IonTuition manage your leads with warm transfers.

Schools can use LinQ as stand-alone software, let IonTuition’s enrollment specialists manage inbound and outbound inquiries, or use a combination of both the software and service. No matter which LinQ model you choose, you can trust that you’ll remain compliant and grow your enrollment.

Leverage a Rule-Based Workflow Engine

  • Integrated with telephony & CRM
  • Call routing algorithms & best-time-to-call analytics
  • Real-time reporting dashboards

Control the Process and Information

  • Design your own workflows
  • Orchestrate call routing algorithms
  • 3 – 10 day implementation
  • Make changes daily on your own

Ensure Nationwide Regulatory Compliance

Compliance engine programmed into the platform

  • Speech Analytics for Compliance Scorecards
  • 100% call Recording & Online Monitoring
  • Automatic call disposition logs