
Yay, this weekend officially marks the start of summer! It might be your last summer before going off to college, or your last summer before college ends. No matter where you are in your higher ed career, carve out some time during these precious few months to tick some – or all – of these items from your ‘summer to-do list’:

  • Go on a road trip. Grab some friends and head off to an unvisited destination or even test out your home-to-college route. You’ll want to have a benchmark time to tell your parents when they ask “How long until you’re home?”
  • Get creative! Have a get-together with friends to make some paintings for your dorms or apartments. Swap your paintings to have something of each other’s. Not into the classic arts? Print out some of your favorite Instagram pics so you have something memorable to hang on your mini fridge.
  • Visit your favorite local restaurant…over and over. Do you have a go-to spot in your hometown that cannot be replaced? You’ll want to get as many trips there that as your stomach can handle. It might be a couple months before your back! Plus, you’ll be supporting small businesses and that’s always a good thing.
  • Clean out your closet. If you’re transitioning from high school to college, your wardrobe might need to transition with you. Have some good stuff and it’s hard to let go? Maybe selling it to a resale shop or on eBay might help you let go…and also help you with some spending money!
  • Buy your textbooks early. Hey, you can also use your newfound money here! Some teachers and professors are kind enough to send out class material lists before the first day. Be proactive and check out, Amazon Textbooks and other second-hand book shops for discounted books (compared to your campus bookstore).
  • Read some classic books.  We know you’re on break, but you should at least stretch your mind a little bit. Pick a book, find a beach or park, and unwind into the world of literature. Here’s Tara’s list to choose from.
  • Clean up your social media accounts! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and so on. You’re an adult now, so you might want to assess your online presence and have it reflect your new college maturity. Keep in mind you’ll be looking for a career soon and employers DO look at social media accounts of their applicants.
  • And lastly, enjoy your time off!