Dec 9, 2015 | College Planning, Schools
This blog post originally appeared on Parents Countdown to College Coach in November 2015. Parenting a college bound teen is a challenge. How much should you push? How much should you help? Where do you draw the line? How involved should you be? How do you help your...
Nov 20, 2015 | College Planning, Schools, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
This blog post originally appeared on How to WIN Scholarships in May 2015. College scholarship tip: Know the organization One of the biggest obstacles stopping students from applying for college scholarships is writing the essay. Learning how to write a strong,...
Oct 16, 2015 | Financial Literacy, News
This blog post originally appeared on Generation Y Retirement Account: A Millennial’s guide to securing a strong financial present & future in May 2015. Alright, listen up all you ambitious & glorious readers. The fact that you take a couple minutes in...