Jul 9, 2018 | Financial Literacy
A credit score is a measurement of a person’s trustworthiness to repay their debts. Scores range from 300 (very poor) to 850 (excellent). A person with a high credit score has a history of on-time payments, a reliable income, and a relatively low amount of...
Apr 15, 2016 | Financial Literacy
A new shirt, a trendy pair of sneakers, and numerous espresso drinks from Starbucks were just some of the frivolous items that led to my financial demise. I was twenty-one-years-old, I loved shopping, I had student loans, and I had just gotten my first credit card. It...
Jul 17, 2015 | Conference
In this week’s ionGuest column, credit expert John Ulzheimer explains finance fundamentals, and shows how your student loans can affect your credit score. How Do Student Loans Affect Your Credit Score? I often get questions from young college graduates asking about...