
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution recently reported on ionMatch and iontuition partner Credit Sesame in a story on millennials and debt.

The story by Janel Davis was in response to Credit Sesame’s survey on attitudes on debt and higher education among different generations. The study found that millennials took salary into account when choosing a major and that they thought college was worth the debt more than Generation X.

Davis highlighted that ionMatch built on the results of the survey, allowing students to compare colleges and universities by different criteria, including salary forecasts after graduation.

The story received wire coverage from media outlets including newspapers and television stations in Dayton, Austin, Tulsa, and more.

Check out ionMatch for yourself and read our own announcement about its launch.

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Tom Wray

Tom Wray is all about the research, getting it right, and making it relevant. He’s got solid journalistic experience in all forms of content delivery – and he’s got his keyboard humming with what’s up and important for students, college admins, parents, employers and news junkies. Check out his weekly columns: Student Loans 101, News Flash!, Eye On School Success, Eye On Student Success.