Happy National Financial Aid Day! We at iontuition wanted to thank the hardworking financial aid professionals with a bit of verse. Enjoy!


Ode to Financial Aid Officers

Hundreds of young students assigned to your care
Higher ed dreams lofty, but wallets are bare

The search for a college may seem like a chore
Especially constrained by their ACT score

They expect to join up with Phi Beta Kappa
But it won’t happen till they fill out their FAFSA

Teens may not realize it’s important or nifty
Paying off school loans before they are fifty

To tally tuition down to the last decimal
They rely upon you, Financial Aid Professional

Your days may run short, there’s so much to do
Students lined up, hopes for dreams coming true

But you must inform them, that is your mission
A duty made lighter by iontuition

Coming into your office unaware of FinAid
but upon leaving, their futures are swayed

So remember in times when tired, stressed out
That YOU ARE APPRECIATED, without a doubt!

Like our ode to you? Share this poem with your colleagues using our social sharing tools below to remind them of the good work they do!

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