State University of New York-Cobleskill’s financial aid office offers up this musical take on student loan repayment.

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Each week we’ll bring you videos and presentations from the world of student loan finance. We know that there is no single solution for everyone, which is why offers learning modules and live counseling to help you successfully manage your college loans. Even under the most challenging circumstances, we work with students to find repayment plans that work best for each individual borrower. There’s never a one-size-fits-all and, when circumstances change, we’ll be there with you every step of the way.

Tom Wray

Tom Wray is all about the research, getting it right, and making it relevant. He’s got solid journalistic experience in all forms of content delivery – and he’s got his keyboard humming with what’s up and important for students, college admins, parents, employers and news junkies. Check out his weekly columns: Student Loans 101, News Flash!, Eye On School Success, Eye On Student Success and more.