University of Florida alumnus and NFL star running back Fred Taylor joined Loanlook on UF’s campus earlier this week to promote the benefits of using the site.  The occasion, marking the first official Athletes for Loanlook event of the fall, was a smash hit on campus as many students stopped by to say hello and improve their financial literacy.

Taylor was busy all day between taking pictures with adoring fans, promoting financial awareness through Loanlook, and giving interviews for media including the student newspaper and the local NBC and ABC affiliates.  Check out The Independent Florida Alligator’s coverage of the event here.

Taylor was a perfect addition to the Loanlook exhibit as he spoke from experience dealing with personal finance and student loans.  Loanlook will be exploring more ways to engage students through the Athletes for Loanlook program so be sure to visit our blog to learn about future events. (You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook)

A special thanks is owed to Fred Taylor and the UF students who came together to make this event a success.

P.S. Here is a link to additional coverage from TV-20