In line with the Education Data Initiative, the U.S. Department of Education has made changes to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).

With these changes, NSLDS added the MyStudentData Download feature, which allows you to download a text file of your loan data and pass this information to your third-party servicer (e.g. Loanlook or The i3 Group).

So what does this mean to me and other Loanlook users? We will provide an interface on for the new text file developed independently by the Department. This will provide Loanlook users with an additional way to refresh their Federal student loan and grant information.

We expect that most of you will continue to retrieve your student loan data with your NSLDS PIN (generally the quickest way to refresh loan profiles on But you will soon have the option to upload the text file provided by NSLDS to your Loanlook account as well.

Loanlook users can opt to receive a notification when the new text file upload feature is in place by selecting My Profile (located at the top right of your account screen) and clicking “Update my notifications”.  An announcement will also be made on this blog (i.e.

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